Sebeka, Scale and Tooth

“Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean—roll!
Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain;
Man marks the earth with ruin—his control
Stops with the shore.”

-Lord Byron, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Canto IV

Playtest Version

This material is still in the process of being playtested. It is fully usable as written, but may be refined or changed in later versions. As always, this content should only be used with GM permission.

SEBEKA     +2 CON     6 HP

As the distant descendants of an ancient and powerful crocodile god, the sebeka are often mistaken for lizardfolk by those unfamiliar with their homelands. Their divine ancestor is worshiped as a guardian by those who do battle or traverse dangerous waters even to this day. The sebeka, his sacred offspring, manifest a small echo of his strength and protective power, no matter what undertakings they pursue. This influence is also showcased by mighty teeth and jaws much like their quadrupedal cousins, as well as robust endurance and fondness for aquatic environments.

Size and Type

Sebeka are Large Humanoids with the sebeka subtype, a space of 10 feet, and a reach of 5 feet.

Divine Intervention

Sebeka receive a +1 racial bonus to all saving throws. As a standard action, a sebeka can transfer this bonus to a creature it touches for the next 10 minutes. This ability cannot be used again until the previous duration ends and the bonus returns to the sebeka.

Magically Gifted

Sebeka gain Mysticism as a class skill. If mysticism is already a class skill for htem, they instead gain a +1 bonus to mysticism checks.

Natural Weapon

Sebeka are always considered armed. They can deal 1d3 lethal piercing damage with unarmed strikes and the attack doesn’t count as archaic. Sebeka gain a unique weapon specialization with their natural weapons at 3rd level, allowing them to add 1-1/2 x their character level to their damage rolls for their natural weapons (instead of just adding their character level, as usual).

Stealthy Swimmer

A sebeka has a swim speed of 30 feet and receives a +4 racial bonus to stealth checks while at least half their body is submerged in liquid. Sebeka can also hold their breath for 10 times the normal duration and may begin holding their breath as a defensive reaction when they would begin suffocating or believe themselves to be exposed to a harmful inhaled substance. Taking actions does not reduce this duration.

Playing a Chipaklee

You likely…

Have a theatrical flair and laugh often.
Go to significant inconvenience to protect those you care about.
Enjoy a good bar fight.
At least dabble in magical study.

Other species probably…

Think of you as a good luck charm.
Don’t expect you to be clever or thoughtful due to the reputation for being brawlers.
Want you to be on their side in a conflict, just in case.
Struggle to speak your true name.

Physical Description

A sebeka presents an imposing figure—stout, covered in earthtone scales, with a large crocodilian face full of sharp teeth, and typically taller than humans even despite their extremely slouching posture. Despite a number of traits in common with vesk (both physical and in terms of preferred armaments), sebeka are rarely mistaken for them due to their very different posture and their long tail which is used in swimming.

Home World

Sebeka originate on one of the surprisingly numerous worlds that have been inhabited by humans since even before space travel was developed. It is said they were created entirely by a crocodile god that was worshiped by the humans of that world, bearing traits of both humans and crocodiles but not truly descended from either. They were prolific sailors for millennia and with the advent of space flight they took to life in space navies (and pirate fleets) as readily as they take to water, spreading far and wide throughout known space.

Society and Alignment

Most sebeka are rowdy and gregarious by nature, living a much more social existence than the crocodiles they resemble. Due to their natural toughness they tend to play rougher, causing taverns frequented by sebeka to count bar brawls as a once per night occurrence, at minimum, and purchase furnishings accordingly. Despite their combative nature, they are also deeply protective of others and are often employed as bouncers and city guards. Many assume they are simply brutish, but sebeka often possess brilliant cunning or sage wisdom, and they actually have more spellcasters among their number than most other folk. These spellcasters are simply often mistaken for warriors due to their equal talent for hand-to-hand combat. Sebeka are slightly predisposed towards good and chaotic alignments, but no particular alignment is especially uncommon among them.


With a tendency towards being regarious and theatrical, sebeka tend to interact widely with all but the most insular of species and cultures. Their mystical connections also create bonds of common interest with more spiritual folk. They are not so fond, however, of organizations or governments prone to unprovoked military action or frequent treachery.


It is only natural that the crocodile folk excel working with ships and fighting forces. Ship captains and mercenary companies will actively seek them out and, when looking to recruit marines or heavy infantry, will often hire any and all sebeka in the station or port who are seeking that sort of work before even considering other recruits. A sebeka’s natural durability is beneficial for all classes but is especially advantageous for vanguards.


Traditional sebekan names are a multitonal guttural reptilian growl sometimes accompanied by nasal-aspirated hisses and are virtually impossible to pronounce correctly by other folk except those capable of direct mimicry or some especially deep voiced members of reptilian or amphibian species.
For the benefit of others, sebeka take names or nicknames in the dominant language of the area. These chosen names are typically low-brow, but with a surprisingly theatrical air about them.

Example Sebekan Nicknames: Adora Agusta Azarola Aritza, Anton Grimme, Blacktooth Barnes, “Bonny Marie” Burnie, Chomps, Charlette Croke, Damnation Mostana, Edward “Ned” Flint, Ekber the Eel, Faustina Faustino, Green Mary, Harridan Bess, Isabela Ironprow, Jacquotte the Sea Queen, Jaguar-of-the-Depths, Kargadain Warhorn, Large Lao, Méadhbh Ní Mháille, Nackle One-Eye, Omar Grimtooth, Public-House Pete, Raman “Flamecaller” Hapet, Silver-Eye Sallie, The Grey Death, Umberto the Blade, Vicious Valanthe, Westra Law, Widow Shih

Legal Appendix

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Starfinder Core Rulebook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Robert G. McCreary, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, and James L. Sutter, with Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Lissa Guillet, Thurston Hillman, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Jessica Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, and Josh Vogt.

Sebeka, Scale and Tooth, Copyright 2022, Malachite Idol; Author Patrick Johnson.