Bhokwe and Atenáati, The Unchallenged Twins

“So we grew together,
Like to a double cherry, seeming parted,
But yet an union in partition,
Two lovely berries moulded on one stem.

-William Shakespeare,
A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Playtest Version

This material is still in the process of being playtested. It is fully usable as written, but may be refined or changed in later versions. As always, this content should only be used with GM permission.

BHOKWE     +2 DEX     +2 WIS     -2 STR     2 HP

Bhokwe are tall, thin, humanoids that resemble antelope. They are not hunters as they predominantly eat plants rather than meat, but they are exceptionally skilled with bow and spear, and in battle, their sharpshooters can only be matched by the most skillful of elves.

Size and Type

Bhokwe are Medium Humanoids with the bhokwe subtype.


A Bhokwe deals additional damage equal to its character level with the first ranged attack it makes after moving at least 10 feet in the same round.


Bhokwe gain Mobility as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Plains Adaptation

Bhokwe gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Life Science checks. A Bhokwe can treat one of these skills as a class skill.


Bhokwe have a base speed of 40 feet.

Playing a Bhokwe

You likely…

Act fast and plan faster.
Live in the moment rather than dwelling on history.
Prefer ranged weapons and study them in your free time.
Appreciate magic but view it as simply part of life.

Other species probably…

Are surprised when you aren’t jumpy or skittish.
Appreciate your keen eye and aim.
Worry that your tall, slender form might be fragile.
Struggle to keep up when you are in a hurry.

Physical Description

Bhokwe are tall, willowy humanoids with fur, a tufted tail, hoofed feet, and large, intense eyes. They are light on their feet and almost constantly in some sort of agile, graceful motion, moving in small ways even when they stay in one place. Most have horns, either spiral shaped, arched, or straight; and patterns or gradients of light and dark colors in their fur.
Those with a propensity toward magic often have an unusual trait, such as golden colored horns, purple eyes, or pure white fur. Children with these traits are given extensive training in order to master their gifts, but those without them may also learn magic if they are capable.

Home World

The legends of the bhokwe say that the first of their kind simply walked fully-formed out of a heat ripple in the air. Scholars speculate that it may have been a planar gate from another realm, citing the elemental language these antelope folk speak or their easy interaction with fey and other nature spirits, but there is extensive debate about exactly which plane they might have been created from. The bhokwe themselves find the topic to be irrelevant, as they hold that their kind simply did not exist prior to the event, and as such they are beings of the planet their community appeared on, no matter what power might have created them.
Curiously, a second group of bhokwe who call themselves atenáati, seem to have appeared on another planet in an entirely different system. Despite no record of any major contact between the two groups, and some superficial differences in appearance, their cultures and the legends of their creation are virtually identical. There is one known case of individuals from both groups having children together, confirming that they are the same species despite their independent origins. Where most bhokwe have horns, the atenáati instead have branching antlers. Furthermore atenáati tails tend to be shorter, and they do not have the dark stripes along their sides and backs that are common among bhokwe. There are rumors—though they may be mere speculation—that there are still other populations of bhokwe elsewhere in the universe as well.

Society and Alignment

Swift of hoof and keen eyed, the Bhokwe are easily able to evade most dangers of the expanses of grassland covering most of their homeworld. Their innate skill with ranged weapons ensures that they are able to deftly combat those few dangers that foolishly pursue them anyway. Were they predators, they would be the apex hunters of all they survey, but they are content to only cull the numbers of animals whose population has grown to a point where it endangers the natural balance of the ecosystem. Among them are many druids who commune with the fey creatures of the wilderness and assist them in protecting the cycles of nature.


A shared connection with fey creatures as well as a high population of mystics provide bhokwe with a lot of common ground with both elves and lashunta, but their preference for living in the moment sometimes causes friction. On the other hand, their adaptability and eagerness for action often causes them to form friendships with ysoki.


Bhokwe become adventurers for many reasons, but most often to test their skills. The large number of xenodruids among their population provides a familiarity that is advantageous as mystics, and their keen eyes, agility, and skill with ranged weapons makes them excellent soldiers and operatives.


Bhokwe and Atenáati take a new primary name every thirty years, with the name translating to something related to either an important moment of the past period of their life or an aspiration for the next. They will still respond to their previous names, and in formal situations may list their previous names as well, but they only have one current name at a time.

Feminine Names: Anele, Cebisa, Esihle, Funani, Jabulile, Khanyisile, Liyabona, Mhambi, Nambitha, Nomathamsanqa, Simangele, Thulisile, Yibanathi, Zobuhle
Masculine Names: Abongile, Bhekumbuso, Khanyiso, Khwezi, Lwazi, Mpilo, Nkosi, Sibongiseni, Sindisa, Sivuyile, Thamsanqa, Uluthando, Xabiso, Yomelela
Feminine Atenáati Names: Cuhtahlatah, Iakonie-ien, Kahentinetha, Kaiennenhawi, Katsitsienhawi, Konwakeri, Nikawenna-a, Onerahontsokon, Otsi’tsa, Skawennahawi, Tekonwenaharake, Walela, Wathahi-ne
Masculine Atenáati Names: Akwiraron, Desagondensta, Enoli, Gulkalaski, Kariwase, Ratonhnhaké-ton, Sganyadái-yo, Tekaronhió-ken, Tsio-kwaris, Twah’kohl, Utsidihi, Wahya, Yonaguska

Legal Appendix

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Starfinder Core Rulebook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Robert G. McCreary, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, and James L. Sutter, with Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Lissa Guillet, Thurston Hillman, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Jessica Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, and Josh Vogt.

Bhokwe and Atenáati, The Unchallenged Twins, Copyright 2022, Malachite Idol; Author Patrick Johnson.